PPL30 Day 14: HTML5

Today I’ve been trying to catch up on all features of HTML5 and its brethren: web workers, embedding audio and video without third-party intervention, canvas, application caches, geolocation, persistent local...

PPL30 Day 13: DataMapper

I have been getting down with DataMapper in a Rails 3 app. Compared to the past week-and-five-sevenths, this is a homecoming of sorts. DataMapper is an ORM that sort of...

PPL30 Day 12: Factor

Factor is a language based on Forth, a stack-based language that fell out of favor in the 80s. Stack-based? Yes, we’ll get to that. This also makes it a concatenative...

PPL30 Day 11: Haskell

These sessions are smoother when I string together similar technologies. Thus, today was Haskell, nipping the heels of yesterday’s Erlang. Haskell strikes me as Erlang with a different syntax and...

PPL30 Day 10: Erlang

In what felt like a departure from the norm, I fell off the JVM today and took a look at Erlang. Erlang is a functional language originally designed to handle...