Remember Why You Are Here
A young, ambitious robot named Rodney shows up on the doorstep of the robot-world’s most beloved corporation, intending to become a successful inventor in their employ. When it turns out...
Stop Working Late at Night
I roll back the covers while glancing at the clock on the night stand. 7:37AM. Not bad, I think to myself. I stretch and amble toward the toilet to a...
Belated Emacs Update
You might remember that, last March, I had been using Emacs regularly (as well as Vim), and was planning to install Evil, a Vim emulator in Emacs. Well, I did...
Recapping 29 Days with Emacs
Before the beginning of the month of February, I endeavored to make February 29 days of exclusively using Emacs to edit code. I wanted to fully immerse myself in Emacs,...
Force Feeding Myself Emacs
I am a Vim guy. I run the @vimtips Twitter account. I have given Vim presentations. I maintain a couple Vim plugins (kinda). I have cultivated a list of various...